Details on how the release was constructed and forms of data available are provided
on the
Terapix Summary Page. A description of meanings of file names and
a description of the structure of T0006 is also available on that site.
CADC recommends that you use
stack search form to select
particular parts of the T0006 release and download the release in chunks.
Single Click Download
this link to download the ENTIRE T0006 RELEASE (+2500 files, +1.5Tbytes), this query can take up-to 5 minutes to execute and hours to download.
Release T0006 from of the CFHTLS contains two (2) sets of stacks for each of the 4
deep pointings. One stack is made with the images take in the best 25% (D-25) of image quality and one with the best 85% (D-85),
resulting in 8 DEEP stack sets.
For each stack set, Terapix provides an image, catalog, and weight-map for each filter
and also provides a chi2 and mask image for each field.
For the 'Wide' survey fields (Wide-1,2,3,4) a selection of imaging data have been used to
provide images, catalogs, masks and weight-maps. For those fields
that have been imaged in the g', r' and i' filters a chi2 image has also been produce.
A summary of the CFHTLS Wide survey pointing and description of the survey
strategy is available from the CFHTLS-Wide Survey Site.